Geraldine Walsh

The Magic Within

Geraldine Walsh


All the possibilities are within you. Stop looking for the magic, you are the magic

Sometimes you just need someone from the outside, who has already been through the wounded healer journey, to hold space for you and to facilitate you to trust, without expectation, because we have no idea of all the possibilities. Someone who can create a safe space and allow you to be able to release and let go of your traumas. The traumas we carry are often not as big as our ego makes them out to be and because we have carried them for so long, it can also be difficult to let go of them.

Talking and talk therapy is good and necessary but at some stage, energy work is required in order to release the heavy energy held in the body as a result of this trauma. Sometimes the memories of those traumas are not even in our consciousness and so in order to access them, we need to journey to a Dreamtime state, where we can connect to the root of our trauma and experience catharsis, (meaning to provide psychological relief through the open expression of strong emotions) insights, healing, forgiveness and love. In this way, we can make peace with what no longer serves us and make space for new possibilities, new ways of being, and a new way to live.