


CBDLand brings the highest quality CBD oil and derivatives to the Irish market.

Cbd oil and derivative CBD products are gaining in popularity and worldwide sales in CBD oils are growing daily.

We feel the need to ensure that our CBD oil and other CBD products are based on cutting-edge science and research.

We are the sole distributor of the Provacan CBD brand, Provacan has been developed in association and partnership with Dr. Raphael Mechoulam.

Dr Mechoulam is the worlds leading researcher and scientist in the field of Cannabinoids and CBD research.

Provacan CBD oil is based on over 60 years of research and has full-spectrum of cannabinoids present alongside terpenes to enhance the overall effect of the plants’ beneficial properties.

Provacan is no doubt an excellent choice for Irish Health Supplement consumers.

We work with the world’s leaders in Cannabinoid and CBD research so we supply the best quality CBD oil in the Irish marketplace and worldwide.

Irish consumers are still relatively new to CBD products and it’s potential use and application.

Irish CBD Consumers have to educate themselves as we can not make medical claims or give medical advice due to CBD in Ireland being classed as a food supplement.

Our products are EU compliant and our company is compliant which in turn ensures you our customer gets only the highest quality CBD products available in Ireland today.

For more information visit cbdland.ie